Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Light Based Treatment for Acne

There is constantly research going on with just about every topic or disease that you can imagine, and acne is no exception. Acne is a skin disease and scientists have published various reports stating why acne occurs but the information about successful acne treatment has not been plentiful.

Much of the reason for this is that there is no "one size fits all" solution or miracle cure for acne. One of the big reasons that there are hundreds of creams and lotions and cleansers for acne is because one method works for some people, another method works for other people, etc. The problem with this scenario is that you could go through literally hundreds of acne treatment products before you found the one that works for you, so research continues to try to find a common solution to acne treatment.

One of the latest promising research studies makes use of an acne treatment using a controlled light source. This treatment has shown that it is pretty effective for acne problems from mild to severe, and is painless for the patient. In fact, many of the test patients have actually found the acne treatment to be soothing for them.

This type of acne treatment is a hand piece which is designed with a specific type of fluorescent lighting which is used to kill the bacteria and thereby interrupting their metabolic processes. The hand piece uses pulsed light which is an advanced treatment for the use of technology to control acne without causing damage to healthy skin.

This pulsed light treatment can also help to control acne breakouts. While this treatment does not provide a real cure for acne, it has shown great promise in being able to treat acne and prevent breakouts of it. Although it is currently quite expensive compared to the majority of over the counter acne treatments, the research on this new method is still being conducted to refine the results and improve the technology.

This approach is similar to ultrasonic facial therapies and each different approach continues to evolve and get better over time as scientists make new discoveries about how the skin works and what can irritate it. While this type of light pulsed treatment is available on a very limited basis so far, some of the critiques of this approach are that it still does not solve the age old problem of being effective for everyone.

Your best bet for acne control is to visit with your doctor or a dermatologist. They understand the different types of skin and should be able to provide you with insights and suggestions about what acne treatment methods are likely to work best for you. They understand that there is not a magic potion that will work for anyone, but they will be able to narrow down your list of possible treatments from the hundreds that are available. They can also provide you with information at the very basic level about what causes acne and what irritates it and causes it to flare up. The root causes here are NOT what the majority of people think, so some education in this area can further assist you in your goal to get effective acne treatment.
Author: Jon Arnold

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/light-based-treatment-for-acne-256585.html

About the Author:
For more insights and additional information about Finding The Most Effective Acne Treatment please visit our web site at http://www.acne-warrior.com

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